Saturday, August 4, 2007

Tragic Flaw

Tonight you see what is inside
you see that which I hate most about myself,
you see what keeps me from being the best that I can fully be.

What I don't think you saw though,
was how the pain and yearning for more
could make me settle for a taste,
a taste of what love is all about.

Numbing myself from the pain I feel,
I reduce myself down to an act, an object
and nothing more than what I am.
Searching for you is no easy task
I must admit however, finding what it is
you have desired for so long
is a long and lonely road.

It was good when you were at least there,
but when you said those hurtful words,
I didn't know what to do,
when I felt you weren't still there.

So the tragic flaw in I is that Love is what I truly want,
what I truly see and what I truly feel.
I yearn just to hold a person through the night,
just to laugh with someone,
and someone to tell my deepest secrets too,
even though there are so very few.
Yet waiting for that to come along
can be torturing and hostile to a heart
that has bore the scars of many wounds.
The flesh of which it is encased
becomes the gaurd of a heart which seems like it can take no more.
I hate myself....I love myself.
But who will love me? Who will know me?

If not you than who? When?:
I’m, tired of fighting this world alone,
I'm tired of hiding alone and
I'm tired of walking this destined path on only two feet,
with no one to lean on.

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