Saturday, August 4, 2007

To All the People OUt There Who think they know what it means to be Homosexual

You know what's funny, you all talk about "gays" as if in this group of over 100,000 there aren't several gays here. I myself am a gay man, I am a part of this group and I am insulted by a lot of your comments. I think it's grotesque that you sit here assuming that everyone here is straight, that you are the only people on the planet to understand what it must mean to be gay, and further more, your blind fear shows itself in the quite primitive way you choose to view the subject.

I will have you know that sexuality is a fluid thing, one that exists in both you and I. In fact, what I think is so funny, is that I do sexually what many straight folk do, if not far less. Do you wanna talk about what I do in bed? Do I wanna hear about what you do in bed....not really. So I hink we all can agree that what ever "abomination" happens behind my closed doors, is the same kind of abomination that occurs behind your closed doors.
What's interesting about the religious take on it, the "sin" value of being gay, or more pointedly, is the fact that public opinion in this regard is so hypocritical. I mean, fine call sodomoy a sin and accuse anyone and everyone whose ever done it or even thought of it as going to hell. Deny them the right to be public about their relationships, fire them from their jobs, deny them the right to serve in our military, tell them that when their significant other is dying in the hospital, that they can't be with them, tell them that because they are a sodomite they can't have kids. Call them names, kick them out of their homes if you are their parents, etc, etc, etc.
But, if we do that for sodomy, then why not masturbation, why not the same discrimination that happens in society. Why don't we refuse the right to recieve medical insurance for anyone that's ever masturbated, deny them the right to marry a person whom they love. Prevent them from ever being alone, as parents kick them out of our homes and onto the streets, bully these "masturbators" in our schools, making them drop of out college.
The same goes for anyone that has ever had pre-marital sex, or anyone for that matter that has ever had sexual relations without the intent of creating life. Anyone who has ever had a wet dream, the list goes on and on. There are so many "sins"; "sins" which all are supposed to be seen as the same sin and treated with love and respect to "cure", and yet this one group of individuals is separated from our society, cast to the dark corners of our world and we talk about them as if they are over there.
What no one gets is that we live in and amongst you, some of us are you, and it's so funny that you all assume you're the only ones that knows what it's like to "live" a certain way. You assume I am immoral, a low life, a sinner, anything but a fellow human being like yourself. You assume that I do not love the person I am with, male or female and you degrade my very existence when you haven't even met me.
You have never walked through my shoes, nor have you seen the world through my eyes, and how dare you assume that my life is anything but beautiful, kind, loving, and all in all an amazing adventure that I too have been blessed to have, by the very same Creator, man, woman, it, that created you. My friends, we may have been created of different dusts, but are we all not human? Do I not bleed, as you bleed when someone cuts us? Do I not go home at night and cry myself to sleep, as you cry yourself to sleep when someone defiles our human dignity? Do I not laugh at myself when I make a mistake as you laugh at yourself? Do I not breathe in the same cool crisp air as you do on a winters day?
Prejudice speaks for itself, and I hope that as you re-read these entries you see how filled of it your comments are. If you cannot see my life as sacred as yours is, then how is that love? How is that respect for you common man?
All I ask, is that you please remember that...that's all. It's not my place to tell you what to think, but at least try to remember that I too have a mother, I have a father, I have a family and friends that love me just as much as yours do you. If I was your brother, your sister, or your friend, would you still say such hurtful things? Who knows, maybe I am.....

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